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Premium Tips Result
WIN RATE : 100.00%
(*) WIN RATE calculation is only applied to Premium Tips! Free Tips results are listed, but not include in total WIN-RATE calculation.
Match Tips Odds Result
30/06 19:00 UTC EURO 2024
Spain v Georgia
total goals over 2.5 1.675
(HT: 1-1)
30/06 16:00 UTC EURO 2024
Ebgland v Slovakia
total goals under 2.5 1.675
(HT: 1-0)
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Premium Tips are high confidence Tips, produced by our insider tipsters, as well as from our deeply analysis based on odds analysis, match factors,...etc. In case the premium package you bought made you losses, we will give you more next 3 days to watch premium tips for free.

Does winningsoccertips offer free Tips ?

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Is my premium tips package's duration deducted for days that there are no tips posted ?

Our Tipsters basically post premium tips daily, but for example on a day that there are no matches or our tipsters do not give tips for that day, your premium tips package is automatically added more 1 day for that empty day.